The PSV Battery Guard constantly monitors the available battery voltage when the engine is not running, and if the battery voltage drops below 24.1V a voltage sensitive timer in the ECU is triggered.
If Battery Voltage remains constantly below 24.1V for 2 minutes, the PSV Battery Guard ECU also produces an output that drives the warning buzzer included in the kit, or our own digital speech module which says Warning Low Battery, Please Start Your Engine.
Should the available battery voltage remain below 24.1V uniformly for 4 minutes the PSV Battery Guard will switch the chassis isolator off to guarantee starting power.
At this stage there will be no power for ignition, so the driver must press the flashing reset switch and start his engine.
The PSV Battery Guard ECU has a built-in diagnostic feature, in the form of an LED indicator which is included on the module to help diagnose any system problems.
This LED will illuminate with the engine running and will flash during countdown, prior to isolation.
If Battery Voltage remains constantly below 24.1V for 2 minutes, the PSV Battery Guard ECU also produces an output that drives the warning buzzer included in the kit, or our own digital speech module which says Warning Low Battery, Please Start Your Engine.
Should the available battery voltage remain below 24.1V uniformly for 4 minutes the PSV Battery Guard will switch the chassis isolator off to guarantee starting power.
At this stage there will be no power for ignition, so the driver must press the flashing reset switch and start his engine.
The PSV Battery Guard ECU has a built-in diagnostic feature, in the form of an LED indicator which is included on the module to help diagnose any system problems.
This LED will illuminate with the engine running and will flash during countdown, prior to isolation.